![MatlabCompat.jl](img/logo.png "MatlabCompat.jl") ### MATLAB/Octave functions library for Julia, fork us on on [GitHub](http://github.com/MatlabCompat/MatlabCompat.jl) ###[__Home__](index.html) : [__Help__](help.html) : [__Contribute__](contribute.html) ## How to contribute to MatlabCompat.jl * Fork the _dev_ branch of the MatlabCompat.jl repository to your github account or clone it by: ``` git clone https://github.com/MatlabCompat/MatlabCompat.jl.git git checkout dev ``` * Modify or add new features * Write test for the features you have created and make sure they run without an error * Create a pull-request to merge into the dev branch of MatlabCompat.jl <br><br> #### Copyright © 2014-2015 Vardan Andriasyan, Yauhen Yakimovich, Artur Yakimovich <br>